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Choco-Latte cafe in Bar Harbor is always looking for new Artists work to display and sell. Choco-Latte is right on main street in Bar Harbor in a heavy foot traffic area. This is a great opportunity for exposure to locals and visitors to Acadia.

There is wall space for up to 10 or more paintings/drawings/photographs (2 Dimensional art, or hang-able 3 Dimensional art, no large sculptures or instillation).

Things to consider:

After a review of work and approval we like to work with the artists to set up and hang and remove shows. This includes setting appointments, replying to emails, signing and completing the gallery contract with a price list of work on loan *(Choco-Latte will ask for a % of each sale from works on display). We love all forms of expression and art but, ask that the work to be on display be in good taste and not include anything obscene, depict violence, nudity, or anything TOO political or religious.

  • Everything must be ready to hang. Please have photos and flat art work in frames or if it is canvas have wires/hardware on the backs done (canvas not in frames should have painting continue around edge, no bare canvas edges please).

  • Have your own Labels with Prices/or include a price list. Business card size is preferred. Most art labels include Title, Size, Medium, price, contact information. If possible the labels should be mounted on or printed on mat board. If price is not listed on Label, or a business card attached to the item, then provide a price list for the works on display, or have the price list as part of the Artists Statement - “Price List for Works on Display at Choco-Latte.”” *Choco-Latte will ask for a % of each sale from works on display.

  • Provide an Artists Statement. Artists statement is an opportunity to introduce yourself, Include your name and mention medium or style, where you are from, and what your motive is for making art, etc… and be sure to include contact information, or links to social media. Artist’’s statement should be on letter or legal size paper. It can be laminated, or mounted to mat board.

  • Provide a shortened Bio/Artists statement for listing on programs and website. (190 characters (including spaces) – like a tweet). Include name and mention medium or style, where you are from, and motive for making art, etc…

  • Art Show Opening or Closing (*Choco-Latte will ask for a % of each sale from works on display/loan). Contact us to find out more. Choco-Latte and can work with the Artist to set a date, reserve the space, and help promote on our social media, and can cater with lite refreshments (catering from Choco-Latte and Havana restaurant). Advertising can be included, for a fee, such as creating posters, putting out a press release, contacting media and other sources. We can help put on a Choco-Art show to fit any artist's budget.

Please contact us for more information. Use the form below.

Available exhibit Times/Dates/Months:

March - May 2021
June - August 2021
September - December 2021

Summer Spots for 2021 - Are Open!

Get a request in now to be a featured artist during the summer in 2021 and for Art Walk Bar Harbor.

Art Walk Bar Harbor is First Friday of June 2020 , First Friday of October 2021.

Please complete the form below and we will contact you with more information.

Please tell us a little about yourself and share links to any social media. If possible please provide links to images of work intended to be on display to be considered. Thank you!





Past Exhibits